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Adventure Flights

Welcome to Sky High Virtual Adventure Flights !!
Click on Choose you're adventure on the left menu to choose you're adventure.

This is one of the most interesting places on Sky High Virtual.Here you will find all kind of adventure, from scenery tours to bad weather approuches.These flights are specialy made, to help improve your pilot skills and to explore the world like never before!
We will also be making a lot of challenging approuches like landing a 747-400 at Toncontin Int. Airport !!!!!!These flights will be a once in a lifetime experience, since many of them are very unknown for FS pilots.

Making these Adventure Flights will not only improve you're pilot skills but will also earn you Flight Points which can later be converted to rewards such as, planing the next flight plan, getting the bonus Sky High Aircraft Livery.You will be able to choose you're own adventure that matches with you're pilot skills.
Once you've decided which Adventure flight you will be flying, you will need to contact one of the server admins to give you further instrucions.If by any chance you want to make an Adventure Flight and there are no server Admins available at the time, you will need to make the flight onyou're own following the webpage instructions.This can only happen if the flight is available to fly on your own. In this case, you will need to make a mid-flight screenshot to prove that you made the flight, otherwiseyou will NOT be getting any Flight Points !!!!!!
Flying these Adventure Flights in groups, will earn you and you're flying partner(s) extra Flight Point !!!You think you have what it takes !?

PS: In order to make an Adventure Flight you will need to be connected to FS Host or an IP given by one of the server Admins !!!

If you have any questions or suggestion about the Adventure Flights, you can always contact one of our server adminsor just E-Mail us at: